Wednesday, January 31, 2007

O' Balaji, Where art thou?

Balaji's Blog interviews him:

Blog - Where are you? Not be seen these days at all? Do you know when you last updated the blog? Just close the damn thing and delete the blog if you don't plan to write any more and .....

Balaji (interrupts)- Hey Hey .... Relax ya!!! Uhmmm I have an answer to all your questions. In one sentence - I was busy!!

Blog - BUSY?? What kind of an answer is that? You were busy for the ...What, last 7 months, so busy that you couldn't update the blog once?

Balaji - Uhmmmm, errr..........Yes.....

Blog - Oh yeah, well I didn't miss you either!! hrmph!!

Balaji - Oh, Come on....... See I am having this conversation with you, I am making a start.... Well to be frank, I had lost the drive to write. Yeah, perhaps that was the reason more than laziness. I had gone into a shell, you know. Somehow 2007 seems to be a better year and a lucky one, May I add.

Blog - So, Can I expect the new Balaji to blog more freque..

Balaji (interrupts)- NO!!! Not yet. I still lack a clarity of thought. That was one of my strong points before. Atleast, I would take one side and could argue like hell on it. These days, I've started seeing both sides of the coin and that has really restricted some ideas from flowing ; though on the brighter side, I am glad that I now have the ability to understand what the person on the other side of the fence has to say/think. But like I said, I am confused as to which side is right and whose side I should take; whether I should take sides at all !!! I just couldn't seem to make up my mind at all. Still do...

Blog - Ok, now relax. Lets talk something else.... Tell me what have you been reading these days?

Balaji- Oh, ever since I came to London, I just try and catch up with online version of India today and Outlook. I also go through websites of Time and the Economist Magazine. I must say that I've been really impressed with the Economist magazine. A suggested read for everyone. And to be frank, its not even about economics, the article which they did on the human brain and its findings for example was just fantastic. You know that I was such a big fan of Thomas Friedman, after reading 'The World is Flat'. I found ' From Beirut to Jerusalem' by Friedman in one of the libraries in London and Friedman doesn't disappoint!!

Blog - Alright one last question. Did any one tell you at all that they missed your blog?

Balaji - Uhmmm errr.... Yeah lots of my fans....

Blog(interrupts) Cough Cough....Cough Cough...

Balaji - *ahem* Well N.K. was bugging me for a while about me not updating the blog. C.S.K Enquired once, I think. But that's about it. No one really missed us. Hee Hee

Blog - So, what can we expect from Mr Balaji Shenoy?

Balaji - For now, nothing. Somehow I seem to perform my best when nothing is expected out of me. But certainly in the near future, you will see more of me. We will bring our glorious days back again........ :)