Sunday, April 09, 2006

Not a "Reserved" guy

Thank God!!!!

That’s what I said to myself when I saw the newspapers about the new reservation policy declared by the HRD minister Arjun Singh.

I mean what are these jokers up to?

Now that our last bastions of educational excellence, the IIT's and IIM's have also fallen prey to the quota system, It wont be long before they introduce Job reservations in the private sector too. And maybe I will blog again then...Thank God...I am not a fresher in the job market else....

I work in the private sector too, When I had to fill in my application form here before appearing for the entrance test, I do not remember any field enquiring about my caste at all... and I am sure that same must have been the case with the IIM's and IIT's as well. So where does the question of discriminations arise?

Merit and Merit alone should be the sole criteria for getting a job or even for admissions into institutes of higher learning.

The only kind of reservation that I would support is the one that should be given to those who are economically disadvantaged. And these opportunities should be provided independent of the caste, irrespective of whether one belongs to a lower middle class Brahmin family or a lower middle class OBC family. And here too, I support the reservations only up to the point of education and not jobs. Make sure that everyone has had the opportunity to good education and then, to each his own, based on his/her talent and merit. Remove the equation of caste completely.

The premise that the Government is trying to bring about social equity in the society by bringing about these reservations is completely illogical; it is only going to further divide the society.


Anonymous said...

nice one man, cant say when the system will realise the worth of merit, probably when you introduce merit as the criteria to getting into politics :)

KT said...

well you have brought forth the points which have been on everyone's mind.... the fallacy of bringing social equality through reservation ...

anyways I went a step further to think what we can do about this whole reservation thing..

Anonymous said...

Mere political interest... nothing at all.. the politicians are there for not uniting India but dividing the people on reservation criteria... what a fate...!! Are we gonna develop anyday??